Poliția Municipiului Cluj-Napoca
Date de contact:
Adresa: Str. Corneliu Coposu nr. 167, municipiul Cluj-Napoca, județul Cluj, cod poștal 400228
Telefoane: 0264 432 727; 0264 432 868
Fax: 0264 432 868
E-mail: clujnapoca@cj.politiaromana.ro
Număr unic pentru urgențe: 112
I am writing to you because my privious landlord is scamming me and is not giving me my money back for the deposit and the cleaning part. I moved out two months ago and she still hasn’t given me any money back and is lying and saying that we didn’t leave the apartment clean etc. I am no longer in Cluj and i was wondering if you could force her to pay me my money. She was also often locking me and my roommate (who also didn’t receive any money) out of our apartment because she said we didn’t pay rent even though we did.
Thank you for your help!
Best regards.
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